About Us

IMPLEMENTERS is a project management non-profit that partners with charitable organisations, philanthropists and corporate institutions to positively impact communities.

We leverage on our professionals and participatory development processes to successfully provide excellent results to our partners. Using professionally thorough processes, we ensure that projects remain relevant even after years of implementation. Our effective protocols have also immensely improved the outcome of various development projects, making a more tangible and lasting impact on social development.

Our key aim is to impact lives. In only a few years of existence, we have been able to transform lives in health and education aspects in over 50 communities in Ghana with our dedicated team, partners and beneficiaries.

Our Services

Development Partnership

Our Expertise & Specialties

Project Needs Assessment

We work with in-depth needs assessment processes that effectively lead to solving the problems of society. We ensure to delve deeply to identify the common need.

Project Implementation

We specialise in bringing our clients’ dreams, visions and plans to life. We do this while analyzing the time, scope and cost of each project to achieve the best results.

Social Project Advisory

We provide advisory help on social development choices which is in line with the organization’s values. We ensure to clear your doubts on which way to go in helping society.

Project Impact Assessment

We are driven by impact hence we adopt monitoring and evaluation (M&E) processes after a project’s end to determine its impact reach as well as its maximising factor.

Our Framework

We work with an iterative cycle in implementing our projects. This designed framework involves identifying the need of the community as a start as well as assessing the impact of the designed solutions as the final step.



We initially identify the imminent need in the community that requires attention.



We then assess the identified need and design solutions to suit it.



This is the stage where the plan materialises. We implement the designed solutions to suit the community.



We monitor the implemented solutions to evaluate its effectiveness.



After the project ends, we continue to assess its impact and ultimately maximize it.

Our Milestones Over The Years


Learners Impacted through our work


Social Development Projects Managed


Regions of Ghana


ICT Projects Managed on Behalf of Our Partners


West African Countries


Livelihood and Health Projects Implemented

Our Supportive


Client’s Feedback