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Events & Campaigns

IMPLEMENTERS designs and executes Events & Campaigns that inspire, educate, and mobilize communities toward positive change and create a platform for networking. Each activity is meticulously crafted and organized to amplify voices, drive awareness, and galvanize action around critical issues aligned with sustainable development.

From community outreach to large-scale public initiatives, we combine strategic communication with creative engagement, ensuring that every event leaves a lasting impact. By leveraging our expertise in project management and impact assessment, we create campaigns that raise awareness and contribute to measurable social impact, fostering a culture of resilience and progress.

Explore our Expertise

Creative Conceptualization

This can be a stand-alone offering or a follow-through to the execution of an event. It is an aspect of event management involving ideation towards a goal. This offering transforms an idea into a well-planned event, from defining the objective, target audience, and ideal logistics to creating compelling themes and program content.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is essential for the success of our events and campaigns. To facilitate this, we establish a Local Organizing or Advisory Committee comprising key community stakeholders. This committee plays an integral role in planning and executing initiatives, ensuring that local perspectives and needs are reflected in the events and campaign. Also, their involvement from the onset helps reduce the cost of aspects of the event. By fostering collaboration, stakeholder engagement and participation, we create a sense of ownership among community members, ultimately enhancing the impact and effectiveness of our events and campaigns.

Planning Coordination

Following conceptualization and stakeholder engagement, we provide thorough management of an event by working closely with our clients to bring to life their ideas in a professional manner. A comprehensive plan is developed with a checklist to monitor the progress of the event. From vendor identification to contracting, we oversee every facet of the event and ensure timely delivery.​ With our team of event specialists, we aim to reduce the complexities of event management for our clients.

Marketing & Promotion

Through our team of Communications and Marketing experts, we deliver tailored promotional strategies designed specifically for each event or campaign. Recognizing that every initiative has unique goals and target audiences, we take a tailored approach to ensure that our messaging resonates effectively with the intended participants

To drive our objective of ensuring lasting social impact, we prioritize the relevant audience for each activity and implore diverse communications channels. We do not only highlight the significance of an activity but also emphasize the impacts and benefits of participation.

Impact Measuring & Reporting

We pride ourselves not only in the execution of an event but equally in the aftermath of the event. This process helps to measure if the objectives of an event were achieved and the value it delivered. Our expertise extends to ensuring the event’s objectives are attained as much as possible however the possible challenges. We also provide detailed and data-driven reports for referral purposes.

Events & Campaigns Highlight

IMP Successfully Organizes the Third Edition of AIRTAD

From February 26-28, 2024, IMPLEMENTERS(IMP) organized the third edition of the Annual Impact Roundtable Discussion (AIRTAD) and Robotics Competitions at UPSA in Accra. Sponsored by the Helping Africa Foundation (HAF), the event aimed to showcase innovative initiatives in STEM education across Africa. Under the theme “The Yamoransa Model Labs Programme: Investing in the Future,” IMP implemented a well-planned strategy to ensure the success of the event, attracting approximately 380 participants from three countries. This strategy included the following:

A comprehensive checklist ensured the event was meticulously planned and executed, covering logistics like securing the UPSA venue, organizing the robotics competition, and exhibitions, and coordinating participant travel. Stakeholder engagement was also crucial, with IMP involving educators, business leaders, and key STEM figures such as Nana Gyamfi and Dr. Humphrey Ayim-Darke, bringing visibility and aligning the Yamoransa Model Labs’ goals with national and business objectives. Schools, teachers, and students from various regions contributed to a rich exchange of ideas and innovations. 

This approach not only achieved attendance goals but also fostered dynamic discussions, showcasing STEM’s potential to address societal challenges. IMP is grateful to its partners, especially the Helping Africa Foundation, as well as the participating schools, teachers, and students.


Our Partners

Our success at IMPLEMENTERS is built on strong partnerships with diverse stakeholders such as developmental organisations, philanthropists, impact investors and corporate institutions. Together, we work to create lasting social impact, combining expertise and resources to transform communities.

Partner with us

Join forces with IMPLEMENTERS to create lasting change. Together, we can empower communities, enhance lives, and build a brighter future.
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