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Annual Impact RoundTable Discussion (AIRTAD) & Robotics Competition


TEM education remains underdeveloped in many African countries, despite its crucial role in shaping the continent’s future. According to the World Economic Forum, fewer than 25% of African university students are pursuing degrees in STEM fields. The UNESCO Institute for Statistics further highlights this gap, revealing that sub-Saharan Africa has only 89 researchers per million people, compared to the global average of 1,150. This shortfall is not limited to higher education but extends to basic education as well, posing significant challenges to Africa’s ability to capitalise on its demographic dividend.

Strengthening STEM education in Africa’s basic schools is critical, and it will take a collaborative effort from multiple stakeholders—including governments, private sector partners, NGOs, international donors, and educational institutions—to make this vision a reality. One initiative that seeks to address these challenges is the Annual Impact Roundtable Discussion and Robotics Competition (AIRTAD). Born from the Yamoransa Model (YM) Labs Program, AIRTAD brings together key stakeholders to reimagine and reform education in Africa, with a particular focus on fostering STEM education.

AIRTAD provides a platform for students from the YM Labs to showcase innovative projects aimed at solving local social challenges in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through this event, schools compete in STEM-based challenges, igniting enthusiasm for STEM learning while fostering a spirit of healthy competition.




March, 2024


Events & Campaign

In today’s world, technological innovation is crucial to economic success. By promoting STEM education through AIRTAD, Africa has the potential to address critical local issues such as healthcare, energy sustainability, and agricultural productivity. A McKinsey & Company report estimates that Africa could unlock $300 billion in GDP growth by 2025 through digital technology—progress that hinges on cultivating a skilled STEM workforce.

AIRTAD also attracts policymakers and community leaders, helping them understand the long-term value of STEM education in driving national development, competitiveness, and job creation. The event highlights the importance of public-private partnerships, providing opportunities to secure funding for infrastructure, scholarships, and STEM programs, while also showcasing innovations from Yamoransa Model Labs across the continent.

Governments play an essential role in shaping STEM education policies, and AIRTAD serves as a platform to discuss curriculum reforms, teacher training, and investments in educational technology. Importantly, the event champions inclusive policies that address gender disparities in STEM. By encouraging more female participation in STEM from an early age, AIRTAD seeks to close the gender gap, promoting more equitable and sustainable development across Africa.

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