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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Impact Assessment

Measuring impact is at the heart of our commitment to sustainable development. Our Impact Assessment provides a comprehensive analysis of project outcomes, by focusing on qualitative and quantitative indicators. We use advanced methods to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of our interventions through advanced methodologies. With these approaching, we report their performance and impact of interventions, while identifying areas for improvement.

We employ modern storytelling approaches to represent the qualitative component of our assessments. This includes capturing the compelling stories of transformation, community empowerment, and sustainable growth behind the numeric achievements. This ensures that our partners can confidently make data-driven decisions and continue to invest in programs that deliver tangible, lasting benefits.

Explore Our Expertise


We employ modern project monitoring approaches of data collection, data analysis, indicator and activity tracking, on-site visitations, and continuous stakeholder engagement to guide project implementation to their expected result. Our monitoring is done routinely to ensure the project is on track and allows for necessary adjustments to improve the overall outcome.


We conduct systematic and periodic evaluations of project designs, implementation, and outcomes to determine their impact in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and sustainability. The findings of the evaluation guide organisations to make informed decisions about their projects.


Using systematic storytelling approaches, we communicate the impact of our projects from our evaluations by gathering comprehensive data from stakeholders, including beneficiaries, partners, and community members. This feedback allows us to assess the tangible impact of our work, ensuring that our initiatives bring about meaningful and lasting changes. 

By continuously monitoring and evaluating outcomes, we not only celebrate successes but also identify areas for improvement, ensuring that each project contributes to sustainable social development.

Impact Assessment Highlight

IMP Conducts an Impact Assessment of the YMLAB Program on Users

IMPLEMENTERS conducted a counterfactual case-control study for the beneficiary and non-beneficiary schools and communities across some sampled YM Labs to evaluate the impact of the intervention on lab users as compared to non-users. Overall BECE data from four thousand, three hundred and eight (4,308) students, surveys of three hundred and sixty-eight (368) past students, three hundred and forty-five (345) current students, two hundred and ninety (290) community members, and seventy (70) teachers were used to assess the program’s impacts. Additional qualitative data were gathered through twenty-one (21) in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions.

Descriptive statistics, Chi-Square Tests of Independence, and Mantel-Haenszel tests were conducted in STATA Version 17 to determine outcome differences between beneficiary and non-beneficiary groups.

The assessment revealed that the YM Labs Program has significantly improved educational outcomes, with a 14.4% increase in BECE passing rates for beneficiary schools compared to less than 1% for non-beneficiary schools. It also enhanced beneficiary schools’ BECE performance in mathematics, integrated science, and ICT, and increased students’ interest in STEM courses and careers, particularly among female students. Furthermore, the program has improved teaching techniques and expanded community access to quality ICT resources.


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